What's New

Red Bull Crashed Ice Event Supported By EDGE ShowTek

As the sport continues to grow in popularity with U.S. fans, ice cross downhill continued its residency again this year in the 'state of hockey' with a fourth visit to the capital of Minnesota. For the past three winters, Saint Paul has hosted the Red Bull Cashed Ice Downhill Competition with a crowd of more than 140,000 converging on the Cathedral of Saint Paul to witness the high-speed action featuring skaters competing in a four-man heats race to the bottom of a quarter-mile long track full of obstacles.

Landmark Manhattan Center Studios Upgrades To Dual Yamaha CL5 Digital Audio Consoles

Manhattan Center Studios, a staple in the New York City entertainment, corporate, and cultural event markets, recently upgraded from two Yamaha M7CL Digital Audio Consoles in the 1,200-seat Grand Ballroom to dual Yamaha CL5 Digital Audio Consoles along with two Rio-3224-D input/output boxes. The Rios are providing the CLs with an additional 72 inputs and 48 outputs.

Three Yamaha CL5s Deliver Silver Service For Rhapsody In Rock

Rhapsody in Rock is an annual series of live shows which combines classical and rock music, performed by a symphony orchestra alongside its founder - Swedish pianist Robert Wells - a contemporary band and vocalists. In March the production heads out on the second leg of its 25th anniversary tour, where three Yamaha CL5 digital mixing consoles will again provide their own Rock solid performance.

Yamaha QL5 Highlights French Culture At BnF

Founded in 1368, the Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France, or BnF) is one of the country’s highest profile institutions, holding copies of virtually everything published in France. Nowadays one of largest and most modern libraries in the world, a Yamaha QL5 digital mixing console has been entrusted with supporting the BnF’s programme of cultural events.

Yamaha QL1 Helps Fernando Lameirinhas Illustrate The Lighter Side Of Black

Fernando Lameirinhas is one of the most revered writers and performers of world music in the Netherlands, combining many different styles and influences into a unique palette of songs. Currently on tour with his latest project, Noir, a Yamaha QL1 is ensuring audiences enjoy every nuance, despite a very limited touring budget.

Yamaha QL1 Aids St Martin-in-the-Fields Inclusive Welcome

One of London’s most famous places of worship, St Martin-In-The-Fields, has a long history of opening its doors to people from all faiths and walks of life - or indeed no faith at all. Welcoming 750,000 visitors every year to church services, events and music performances, a Yamaha QL1 digital mixing console is at the heart of its newly-upgraded audio system.

Home to NHL Jets Knocks One In With Sound Art and Yamaha CL5

The MTS Centre (Winnipeg, Manitoba) recently installed a Yamaha CL5 Digital Audio Console along with two Rio1608-D input/output boxes courtesy of Sound Art Winnipeg Inc. Home to NHL’s Winnipeg Jets, the Centre seats over 15,000 and plays host to a multitude of indoor sporting and entertainment events.

Yamaha CL System Helps Double Koninklijk Theater Carré’s Production Capacity

Opened in 1887, Amsterdam’s Koninklijk Theater Carré (Royal Theatre Carré) has played host to circuses, vaudeville, one-man shows, revues, plays, operas, operettas and musicals. Completely renovated in 2004, the venue has continued hosting a wide range of events to the present day. The ongoing demand meant a major upgrade of it’s audio system became necessary, with a Yamaha CL digital mixing system the chosen solution

High-Profile Polytechnic Institute Installs Dual Yamaha NUAGE Systems

Founded in 1824, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, New York is the nation’s oldest technological research University. The private research University recently installed two Yamaha NUAGE Advanced Production DAW Systems provided by Parsons Audio LLC (Wellesley, MA).