Imad Ghazi

Imad Ghazi was born in Baghdad in 1976. He joined the earliest folk music bands in the Eighties, primarily playing keyboards since an early age, like the Yamaha PSR-62 and later the Yamaha DSR-2000 which influenced the artist heavily to delve into the sphere of creating custom sounds and backing accompaniments.
In 1988, Imad was an active performer at school musical events, at one of these events, he got a chance to attend to "Babylon Festival" - an annual art and music event, Imad was assigned to play keyboards as a second line, filling the harmonics and maintaining the backbone of the performed songs, and indeed he was taking the first steps on the spotlights...
Since then, Imad focused on making customized backing accompaniment arrangements for the keyboards and distribute the content to the local musicians...
Profession wise, he has his studio as well as music showroom, which allows a significant exposure to a more extensive palette of artists to collaborate with as well as to get his content sounding more advanced and professionally crafted...
Currently, Imad is putting much of efforts to develop local content for the Iraqi market related to Yamaha arranger workstations, and so more to come with the endorsement of PSR-A3000.