What's New

Double Dutch For The Yamaha CL1

Located in the historic centre of Haarlem, Netherlands, De Toneelschuur is a theatre and cinema which has a diverse approach to the performing arts. Recently its Yamaha digital mixing inventory has seen two CL1 consoles added, which are helping to ensure that its sounds are as innovative as its sights.

Yamaha CL1 Is The Best Fit For Sound & Light Technology

One of the major benefits delivered by the Yamaha CL1 digital console is that it has brought high specification digital mixing to rental companies whose events demand the latest technology, but in a very compact footprint. Such is the case at Sound & Light Technology of Mierlo, Netherlands.

Yamaha Delivers Ten Of The Best In Mexico

Ten of the Best is a unique ensemble featuring ten of the world’s most renowned trumpet players. Playing a refined crossover of classical, jazz and pop music, Yamaha digital mixing consoles are the ideal accompaniment to their live shows.

Yamaha Consoles Deliver Cool Sound For Holiday On Ice

Since its inception in the USA 70 years ago, Holiday On Ice has entertained over 230 million visitors around the world with its mix of skilled skating, artistic choreography, passionate music and spectacular special effects. Nowadays based in Amsterdam and owned by one of Europe’s leading live entertainment companies, Stage Entertainment, sound designer Jeroen ten Brinke has specified Yamaha digital mixing consoles for its latest productions.

Yamaha CL3s Are iCity Slickers

The feelgood factor of the 2012 London Olympics may have faded, but its legacy lives on from the state-of-the-art facilities installed to host it. Key amongst these is the former International Broadcast Centre, now transformed as iCity - the home of BT Sport, where five Yamaha CL3 digital mixing consoles are helping to deliver high quality sporting action, both on television and online.

Yamaha Has The Last Laugh With Sara Kroos

Award-winning comedienne Sara Kroos is a familiar face on stage and screen in the Netherlands, enjoying a high level of popularity thanks to regular television appearances and live tours. Her current tour is titled Van Jewelste and features a Yamaha CL1 digital mixing system.

Yamaha CL5 Gets Top Marks In Education

As well as live music, theatre, sport and broadcast, Yamaha’s CL series digital consoles are increasingly being specified by colleges teaching state-of-the-art sound mixing and networking. One example is Belgium’s Institut des Arts de Diffusion (IAD), where a CL5 is a vital part of its live production courses.

Yamaha Delivers Wroc Steady Sound At Capitol Theatre

Once described by tourist guides as ‘the most beautiful cinema in Europe’, the Capitol Theatre in the Polish city of Wroclaw has led a chequered existence. But a multi-million zloti rebuild and restoration saw the venue reopen in September with a whole new lease of life… and a comprehensive Yamaha audio system at its heart.