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Yamaha CL System Mixes Complex KOHAR Concerts

Armenian symphony orchestra and choir KOHAR has enjoyed remarkable success since it was formed 15 years ago. Performing across the world, the ensemble recently returned from a series of shows in South America, at which three Yamaha CL5 digital consoles starred.

Yamaha Reigns At The Regent

With the huge technical advances made in home and cinema entertainment, there is a real danger that traditional regional venues - which often have a multifunctional role as theatres, cinemas and community centres - could fall short of contemporary audience expectations. But a recent installation has again proved that Yamaha technology helps ensure such venues keep up with the times.

Yamaha CL5s Bring A Smile To Steve Harley Orchestral Show

It’s rare that an artist with such a long and successful career as Steve Harley takes over 40 years to realise a major ambition for his music, but one was achieved at the end of November with a performance at the Birmingham Symphony Hall. With three Yamaha digital consoles managing a complex mix, the sold-out show was a triumph well worth waiting four decades for.

Yamaha CL5s Solve Swiss Timing Challenge

Six weeks of July and August 2012 have seen a pair of Yamaha CL5s undertake their most challenging task yet. Backed by stunning lakeland scenery and with the CL5s solving complex delay panning issues, Tell - Das Musical recounts the story of Switzerland’s most famous folk hero.

Yamaha Explores The Fourth Dimension

When Dutch composer Paul Oomen designed his new 4D Sound project, the correct technical specifications were critical to ensuring that his vision was accurately realised. Transparent sound and high quality processing were a must, which is why Yamaha technology was chosen to mix, manage and power the system.

Yamaha CL System Covers 1.3km ‘Stage’ At German Celebration

Every year a different German city holds a major celebration of the momentous events of November 1989, when the process of opening the Berlin Wall - and the reunification of Germany - began. This year Munich was the host and a Yamaha CL5 system was brought in to deliver high quality audio throughout a huge area.

Yamaha CL5s Deliver Serious Sound For Orbital’s Pantomime Season

The 2012/2013 pantomime season set new records for leading rental company Orbital Sound with nearly 30 shows playing simultaneously around the UK during December and January. Key to this success was the company’s inventory of five Yamaha CL5 digital mixing consoles which, despite the relentless schedule of matinees and evening performances, delivered high quality sound without a single hitch.

Yamaha Is Très Populaire At France’s TNP

One of the country’s most culturally important theatres, the Théâtre National Populaire (TNP) has been at the heart of contemporary French performing arts for over 90 years. Moving from Paris to Villeurbanne 40 years ago, a comprehensive refurbishment has seen a Yamaha digital audio system installed in the theatre’s two performance spaces.

Houston’s HS For The Performing And Visual Arts Installs Yamaha AFC System

The High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (HSPVA) of the Houston Independent School District evolved in 1971 from a realization that gifted young artists need highly specialized and rigorous training in the arts to be prepared for the intense competition they will meet in colleges, conservatories, and the professional arts world.