What's New

Historic Dutch Castle Goes For A Yamaha CIS Solution

One of the most historic buildings in Goes, Netherlands, Slot Oostende is a former castle located in the old centre of the city. It opened to the public in April this year as a multipurpose venue, with a Yamaha Commercial Installation Solutions (CIS)-based audio system meaning its spaces can be used for many different purposes.

Yamaha Consoles Deliver SLXcellence At The National Student Drama Festival

April saw the 61st National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) take place at the University of Hull, forming part of the city’s UK City Of Culture celebrations. Rental company SLX provided a range of Yamaha digital mixing consoles and - as a little light relief for participants - Yamaha Commercial Audio UK co-sponsored Yamaha/SLX/NSDF-branded jackets, awarded to the most inventive photos posted by aspiring sound engineers on social media.

Yamaha Is An Essential Part Of Hamburg’s Stadtpark Summer

Since 1975, audiences have flocked to the Freilichtbühne open air stage in Hamburg's Stadtpark each summer to enjoy an eclectic selection of music - including pop, rock, hip-hop, soul, singer/songwriters, children’s entertainers and much more. Production company Cobra Sound Light relies on Yamaha digital mixers to ensure each night’s programme is enjoyed without a hitch.

Yamaha Shows Full Range of Solutions At First Afial Iberico Portugal Show

Yamaha Commercial Audio will be exhibiting its full range of live, installation and broadcast audio solutions at the first Afial Ibérico show in Lisbon, Portugal, on 17th - 18th May 2017.

New Hard Rock Café Enjoys The Yamaha Touch

Hard Rock Café is arguably one of the most recognised names in popular, family-orientated dining, its mixture of American style food and music memorabilia continuing to attract millions of customers across the world. One of its newest outlets is in Lyon, France, which features a Yamaha Commercial Installation Solutions (CIS) system.