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Yamaha CL Series Takes Centre Stage At PLASA 2012

Yamaha’s CL series digital mixing consoles will take centre stage on the company’s stand at PLASA 2012, as the CL1, CL3 and CL5 make their show debut.

Yamaha CL5 Celebrates In Spain

Some of Spain’s highest profile musicians performed at a special 20th anniversary festival for Spanish music station Cadena 100 Radio in June. Sound engineer Bori Alarcón chose a Yamaha CL5 digital mixing console for the performance by vocalist and actor Dani Martin, marking the console’s festival debut in the country.

Yamaha CL5 Makes Outdoor Classical Debut

June saw an event which marked another ‘first’ for Yamaha’s new CL series of digital mixing consoles - the first time one had been used at an outdoor classical concert.

Yamaha PM1D Hitch Hikes To The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

June and July have seen a Yamaha PM1D digital mixing console temporarily updated with an Infinite Improbability Drive as it helps to provide the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything on a unique theatre tour of Douglas Adams’ legendary Hitch Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy.

Yamaha Scores At UEFA EURO 2012

Within days of their manufacture, four of Yamaha’s new CL series consoles were given a very high profile assignment in the challenging environment of four football stadiums at the 2012 UEFA European Football Championships. Four M7CLs were also specified for the tournament.

Yamaha Ensures The Birds Of A Feather Don’t Get In A Flap

A little piece of Chigwell has spent the past four months visiting destinations as far afield as Blackpool, Bath and Cardiff, as one of Britain’s best-loved sitcoms - Birds of a Feather - enjoys a new lease of life in theatres across England and Wales. A Yamaha LS9-16 digital mixing console and StageMix iPad app have ensured that, in the sound department at least, the flight has been smooth.

Education, Religion and Entertainment - Yamaha CL5 Has It All Covered At The Royal Albert Hall

Hot on the heels of Australian indie rockers Temper Trap being the first band to tour with a Yamaha CL5 digital mixing console on monitors, mid-May saw the first shows to use a CL5 at front of house. The three sold-out events at London’s Royal Albert Hall were all very different and Reading-based SFL Group found that the CL5 delivered everything expected of it - and more.

Introducing Yamaha's comprehensive lineup of commercial installation products

June 13, 2012, Shizuoka, Japan- Yamaha is very pleased to launch a new lineup of dedicated installed sound products at Infocomm 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. With a focus on small to mid-size applications such as retail stores, banquet halls, restaurants and more, these products mark Yamaha's entry into the commercial installation market as a system solution provider. The products will be shipped from this autumn.