What's New

My Nuage And Me: Temple Of Tune Invests In Second Yamaha System

In 2014 Fredo Gevaert, owner of Belgian studio Temple of Tune, invested in a Yamaha Nuage post-production system, saying “It’s been like switching from flying an aircraft with a mouse and keyboard to flying it from within a real cockpit.” It was such a success that he immediately started planning for a second Nuage system, which has recently been installed.

Yamaha QL1s Complement Versatile Bodenseeforum

Overlooking the River Rhine, where it links the lower and upper regions of Lake Konstanz, Bodenseeforum is a new conference venue conveniently located at the centre of Europe’s ‘four country region’ of Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein. A very versatile audio mixing solution was needed for this ‘modular’ venue, solved by the installation of three Yamaha QL1 digital consoles.

Yamaha and Nexo Help Bring A Taste Of Peru To The City Of London

International Latin American restaurant group COYA has chosen a matched Yamaha and Nexo sound reinforcement and background music system for its new 170-cover restaurant and bar in the City of London. Located close to the Bank of England, COYA is a day-to-night venue which makes inventive use of its zoned audio specification to set the mood and strengthen the identity of its brand.

Yamaha Nuage Helps MWA Sound Maximise Its Efficiency

With Steinberg Nuendo software being a fundamental part of many post-production facilities, accessing its array of tools in a fast, natural way helps them to satisfy the ever-shortening timescales that clients demand. Germany’s MWA Sound has chosen Yamaha’s Nuage system to harness Nuendo as quickly and efficiently as possible.