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"Bands On The Run" Tour with GV Audio and Yamaha CL Digital Audio Consoles

The “Bands On The Run” Tour featured three of Canada's hottest chart-topping country music bands: The Road Hammers, Doc Walker, and U.S. act Blackjack Billy. GV Audio of Regina, Canada, provided audio production for the November/December tour dates. Gear consisted of two Yamaha CL5 Digital Audio Consoles, two YamahaRio3216-D input/output boxes, 12 Sennheiser EW300 IEM Systems, four Sennheiser EW500 Handheld Systems, and four Shure U4D Handheld Systems.

Yamaha CL System Adds Value To Muziekgebouw aan’t IJ

Opened in 2005, Amsterdam’s Muziekgebouw aan’t IJ is the Netherlands foremost venue for contemporary classical music. For the past nine years, the audio mixing requirements have been reliably taken care of by a Yamaha DM2000, but a recent technical refurbishment has seen it joined by a CL3 system.

Yamaha Nuage Helps Sammy Merayah Rediscover His Music Mojo

Initially aimed at the post-production market, Yamaha’s Nuage system is also being adopted by music recording studios and composers, thanks to its fast, intuitive workflow and powerful features. Belgian dance music producer Sammy Merayah is one of the latest to invest.

Yamaha QL5 Serves Up A Tasty School Winner

Since launching earlier this year, Yamaha’s QL digital consoles have become favourites with education, the flexible facilities and familiar ease of use ensuring that students are given the best training for a job in the entertainment industry. One of the highest profile installations is at Tonbridge School in Kent.