Yamaha CIS System Is In Tune With Flagship Sergio Tomassone Store

Established in 1954, Sergio Tomassone is one of Italy’s best-known musical instrument retailers. The company’s 60th anniversary saw it open a brand new flagship store in Rome, where the quality of a Yamaha CIS background music system matches that of the high end instruments that the shop sells.

The company has stocked Yamaha instruments throughout its history and so current owner, Davide Tomassone, is well aware of the quality of the company’s products. It was this knowledge that prompted him to contact Yamaha Italia sales engineer Gabriele Romeo with a request to design an audio system for the new store. The brief was simple - to deliver the best possible background music system!
Gabriele worked with fellow Yamaha Italia sales engineer Marco Giovanetti to design a high quality, flexible four zone system, which covers the store’s main desk area, the acoustic guitar and digital piano departments and the outdoor area around the store’s front doors.
CIS products were ideal for the application, with the main desk zone featuring VXC6 ceiling loudspeakers, the guitar and piano zones respectively using VXS5 and VXS5W wall-mounted speakers, and the front door area VS6 wall-mounted units.

A Yamaha MTX5D matrix mixer is used to distribute the audio, with an XMV8280 power amplifier driving the system. The system allows for different music - sourced from CD and MP3 - to be played in each zone, with two wall-mounted DCP4V4SEU units offering straightforward system control for shop staff.
“We have been selling Yamaha instruments for many years, the sound of which has been always accurate and rich,” says Davide. “It has been a real surprise for me to discover that same quality, richness, presence and definition of sound in the Yamaha audio system installed in our new Rome store. It has massively exceeded my expectations.”