"Bands On The Run" Tour with GV Audio and Yamaha CL Digital Audio Consoles

Country Music Bands Tour Canada with Yamaha CLs

Country Music Bands Tour Canada with Yamaha CLs

The “Bands On The Run” Tour featured three of Canada's hottest chart-topping country music bands: The Road Hammers, Doc Walker, and U.S. act Blackjack Billy. GV Audio of Regina, Canada, provided audio production for the November/December tour dates. Gear consisted of two Yamaha CL5 Digital Audio Consoles, two YamahaRio3216-D input/output boxes, 12 Sennheiser EW300 IEM Systems, four Sennheiser EW500 Handheld Systems, and four Shure U4D Handheld Systems.

Ian Leary of GV Audio was production manager/front of house engineer for Blackjack Billy and Doc Walker; Scott “Scooter” Findlay served as tour system tech at FOH for the Road Hammers, and Neil Fenske as monitor tech.

“We decided on the Yamaha CL5 platform for a few reasons, states Leary.

The physical size of the CL5 was a definite bonus along with the reliability of Yamaha products being a huge factor in console choice for the tour. We also could not afford to be opening consoles and resetting ribbon cables every second day.”

Leary also said the need to have a large number of inputs at their fingertips at all times was important. “We used a total of 70 inputs on the tour; and we used a total of 30 outputs to feed IEM’s, wired drum mixes, drum subs, and a couple of wedge mixes.”

“The sound quality of the Rio boxes has leveled the audio playing field, Leary says, and in some cases, much improved over other console platforms that are on the market.” As for the Dante networking, he said as far as he is concerned, it is the most stable networking system on the market and was a must for the “Bands On The Run” tour in order to accommodate the large number of INs and OUTs while sharing the Rios between the FOH and Monitor consoles. The Portico 5043, Opt-2A, as well as the Dynamic EQ from the Premium Rack were used to their full potential every night, mainly on vocal channels.

For more information on GV Audio, visit www.gvaudio.ca.

CL Series

Yamaha CL series digital mixing consoles represent a new level of refinement. They offer an evolved experience in accessible mixing, plus sonic purity with sound shaping capabilities that will give the most imaginative engineer unprecedented creative freedom. The CL series embodies the leading standards in live sound in their most advanced, most expressive form.

R Series (AD/DA)

R Series I/O racks employ Dante network audio protocol for exceptional flexibility and freedom in setup and placement, while delivering natural, musical sound that brings out the full sonic potential of mixing consoles and other system components.