Nuage Gives Philbeat of Singapore a Creative Boost

Philip Tan, a.k.a “Philbeat,” is a multi-talented content creator based in Singapore. He is also one of the first owners of the Yamaha Nuage Advanced production System.

Philbeat provides cutting-edge creative content that combines visuals, music, and performing arts for businesses, events, film, 3D movies, and installations. Creative flexibility is Philbeat’s most valued asset, and the Nuage system has allowed him to achieve satisfying musical results in the least amount of time.

Philbeat comments: “Yamaha Nuage and Steinberg Nuendo provide an ideally seamless working environment for a composer and surround sound designer. Direct control lets me spend more time on the creative process. With Nuendo there’s no need to bring any other DAW into my creative workflow. Thanks to Yamaha and Steinberg the quality of my projects is never compromised.”


Nuage Integrated Audio Production System brings it all together in a collaboration that defines new standards of quality and workflow efficiency for virtually every aspect of the production process. Yamaha control and interface hardware seamlessly integrates with Steinberg Nuendo DAW software in a purpose-built system that offers unprecedented productivity and flexibility as well as premium audio quality.