The Dugan-MY16 Card at Sibos 2012

During four days of lively discussion at this year’s SWIFT International Banking Operations Seminar, Sibos 2012, the focus of attention behind the scenes was the Dugan-MY16 Automatic Mixing Controller Card, developed by Dan Dugan Sound Design for Yamaha.

Sibos, the world’s premier financial services event, was held from October 29 through November 1 at the INTEX International Exhibition Center in Osaka, Japan. Controlling the sound for all conference rooms and broadcasts for more than 6,000 participants from 137 countries, were exclusively Yamaha CL5, LS9, and 01V96i digital mixing consoles. All of which were equipped with either the new Dugan-MY16 (16-channel) Automated Mixing Controllers Card or Dugan E-1 (8-channel).

Over four days of sometimes intense discussion involving large numbers of wireless lavalier and table top microphones, the operators in charge of sound for the seminar were impressed by the capabilities and performance of the Dugan-MY16.

Ronald F. Lorman, director of sound for the event, comments: “I require Dugans with every sound company I employ for these types of industrial events. At first, sometimes the audio companies don’t want to use the Dugans because they believe automatic mixing is not required and the operator can manage the mics. However, after first use, they quickly realize the advantage of the Dugans. The biggest benefit of Dugan automixing is that the engineers don’t have to worry about moving faders and chasing the presenter’s dialog. Rather, they can pay more attention to the mix and apply their talents to work on the voices with EQ, compression and required processing. Their palms don’t get sweaty while waiting for the next speaker or fearing they will miss some important dialog. Another real benefit is a constant noise floor. No matter how many people are speaking, the noise floors stays the same due to the gain sharing system employed. Dialog is seamless and the clarity and transition speed really shines through on TV and internet broadcasts and recordings. You simply can’t achieve that with multiple open mics. I often use a Dugan on only 2mics to achieve a constant noise floor while reducing signal to noise with a second open mic. You really have to use Dugan to understand its benefits. Once anyone tries it, the reaction is, ‘OK, I got it, this is great!’ With the Dugan automixer, I promise, you can get more gain before feedback while paying more attention to your show and giving your client, superior presentations that they will notice and appreciate.”

“I’ve used Dugan automixers for several years and I was especially excited when Yamaha released the Dugan-MY16,” says Lisa Woodward, who operated a CL5 console for FoH at the overall discussions in the plenary room. “Yamaha has been very responsive to users’ requests for post-fade inserts which are critical in corporate theater for optimized ease of use of the Dugan. The Dugan-MY16 card silently and seamlessly mixes multiple mics for an overall gain of only one mic, that lets me to concentrate on the sound quality of the mix, instead of chasing voices with the faders.

Lisa Woodward, operator and Ronald F Lorman, sound designer

Lisa Woodward with Dugan-MY16 cards and 8-channel Dugan E-1’s

“I always had very positive experiences with the Dugan-MY16. I carry my own one whenever possible.” (Eugene Foo , Australia)

“The card is fantastic! I didn’t experience any noise with this. I will definitely use one again in future shows.” (Hirokazu Mabuchi / Osaka Kyoritz Inc., Japan)

“I was surprised at the quick reaction of the Dugan-MY16, which really helped me manage the panel mics.” (Tatsuo Sugimoto / Osaka Kyoritz Inc., Japan)

“The Dugan-MY16 is great! It was easy to set up and has enabled me to focus on the detail of the mix rather than worrying about catching every speaker. ” (Jonathan Bond / Visionmill Ltd., UK London)

“Dugan automatic mic mixing was designed to help with jobs like this. I'm gratified to see it work out exactly as planned.” (Dan Dugan / Dan Dugan Sound Design)

Dan Dugan Sound Design