What's New

Major Label Success: Yamaha and Steinberg Capture The Very Best Of Al Bano And Romina Power

This autumn one of Italy’s best-loved pop acts, Al Bano and Romina Power, released their first album in 20 years. The multitrack recording for The Very Best - Live aus Verona was made on Steinberg Nuendo Live, via monitor engineer Francesco Spadaccino’s Yamaha CL5 console and Rio3224-D i/o units. It was the first time that a major label album release has been recorded in this way.

Nuage Contributes to Higher Education at HAW Hamburg

Yamaha NUAGE has become the centre of post-production at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg), Faculty of Design, Media and Information, Department of Media Technology.

Yamaha QL5 Stars At Subfrantic’s Arabian Nights

Every summer, some of the biggest names in Arabic music congregate at London’s Grosvenor hotel for a series of concerts. Subfrantic Production Services provides the full technical production for the shows, which this year featured two Yamaha digital mixers for the first time.

Yamaha and Nexo Bring The Emotion Of Lucio Battisti To Fondi

17 years after his death, the music of Lucio Battisti - one of Italy’s best-loved singer/songwriters - is in greater demand than ever. It is kept alive on stage by Gianmarco Carroccia, singing, interpreting and paying tribute to his legacy. In late August Carroccia’s current Emozioni (Emotion) tour played a major outdoor show in the city of Fondi, where a comprehensive Yamaha and Nexo system was appreciated by 6000 passionate Battisti fans.