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Yamaha TF1 Aids Exclusive Performance

Performing all over Europe and the Middle East, Exclusive Strings is an all-female string quartet that plays a mixture of classical and contemporary music. With Yamaha’s new TF series consoles already shipping from dealers, a TF1 recently aided a very Exclusive performance.

English National Opera Invests In Yamaha TF1

Yamaha’s TF digital mixing console range has already gained many admirers for it’s unique combination of fast, intuitive control surface, comprehensive facilities and high quality sound, all delivered at an exceptional price point. Proof that the highest profile organisations recognise its many advantages has recently been seen in English National Opera’s investment in a TF1.

Yamaha CL5 System Courts Royalty

Liverpool’s Royal Court Theatre has been an art deco pillar of the community since 1938, with entertainment taking place on the site as far back as 1826. The theatre has enjoyed a long relationship with Yamaha, with its much-loved DM2000 digital mixing console recently having been replaced by a brand new CL5.

Engineer Steps Into Action On Yamaha CL5 During Montreal Jazz Festival

The 36th edition of the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal took place June 26-July 5 and once again, turned the city into the epicenter of jazz welcoming thousands of the world’s greatest artists into one 10-day musical celebration with more than 600 concerts. Solotech of Montreal was, once again, the official sound provider of the Festival. Over 25 Yamaha consoles, from CL, QL to PM5D and M7CLs were used for the festival, many of which are Solotech-owned, ad some were provided to Solotech by the Yamaha Professional Audio Division’s commercial audio products team.

Yamaha Taps Into The UK’s Biggest Dance Event

24,000 aspiring, amateur and professional dancers attended the 10th anniversary of Move It - billed as the UK’s biggest dance event - in mid-February at Olympia London. With high profile artists performing on the event’s main stage, a Yamaha CL5 digital console with Dan Dugan automixing ensured that every beat and step were heard loud and clear.

Leading Spanish Composer/Producer Chooses Yamaha Nuage

Lorenzo Cortés is one of Spain’s highest profile composers and producers, with a career of over 20 years of music production for television, radio and the internet. For his newly-upgraded studio, he wanted a production system that would allow him to focus exclusively on the creative process. Yamaha Nuage was the answer.

Yamaha’s ‘Mini’ CL1 Delivers Maxi Sound For Dutch Variety Duo

More than a decade after much-loved Dutch duo Karel de Rooij and Peter de Jong stopped performing their comedy act Mini en Maxi, public demand for their unique brand of humour was so great that they agreed to perform as Mini en Maxi again at Koningklijke Schouwburg (Royal Theatre) in Den Haag for a run of shows from April through to June. A Yamaha CL1 digital mixing system has helped to bring the act right up to date.